
Saturday, August 25, 2012

I didn't get to go to an auction today.  This is what I missed!  (here is where you find the info for this auction: Auction)
I can see it decorated for Christmas!
4 months (but who's counting...I am!)

Friday, August 24, 2012

How Could Disney Place Santa on Their Bad List?

Wow! Disney really disappoints me on this one. Check out the link.

"Many news outlets, including IQ, reported on Thomas Tolbert, the Santa Claus look-a-like who was treated as persona non grata during a recent trip to Disney World with his family. Like the Tinkerbell Disney guest of months past,..."
Read more at How Could Disney Place Santa on Their Bad List?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vintage Christmas Cards!

Some of the Christmas cards were the ones that had been sent and saved if I show the inside I cut off the signature. Without further ado, here we go:
The one below is what's inside the one above.
Well, there is more but I will get to them maybe tomorrow. Ya'll have a good night!
What a nice day to go to an auction! It was cloudy but didn't rain. It was around 70 degrees, perfect!
Here are a couple pictures to tide you over until I get some scanning done. These two lots went for more than I could pay, $19 a piece to the same bidder! The first is a small box of old postcards.
The last picture is a box of vintage greeting cards that I wanted so baaaadddd! (It's OK I am happy with what I got, that you will have to be patient to see!)
I know this isn't really Christmas related but I just needed to share these pictures! I haven't been to an auction in months, I was starting to have withdrawals!

Stay Tuned!

I was able to go to the auction I was talking about in my last post. I bought a couple lots of vintage greeting and Christmas cards! I am hoping to scan a few and share sometime this weekend, hopefully tonight.

I wish I had taken pictures of the beautiful old oak furniture and the beautiful paintings to share on my other blog. I love these kind of auctions!

Ta ta for now!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Goodwill Find

Here is a Santa I found at Goodwill yesterday.  Just had to buy him!!  He is only about 4 inches or so tall.  That is a little bluebird on his shoulder.
Added 8/10/12: I am thinking he is a doorstop, he is heavy for how small he is and he doesn't have legs. How fun is that!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Went to Goodwill Today

Does anybody else look at the Christmas items at Goodwill when you go there?  I do and today one thing caught my eye and I couldn't leave without it.  I am hoping to get a picture of it to share, soon.  I did see other things but they were too expensive for being at a Goodwill.  Anybody else have some  good luck finding something Christmas-y at a secondhand store?  I am hoping to go to an auction this weekend, with some cool vintage-y stuff, including Christmas.  Hoping my hubby let's me buy.  Cross your fingers and your toes and maybe say a little prayer that he does!  :o)